Find answers to our most commonly asked questions.

Donating through IMO ( In memory of ):

Click on this link: https://inmemoryof.com
Create donation campaign
Start with your beloved one’s name (whose campaign directed for his soul).
Choose on of Ahl Masr donation programs

A URL will appear once you finished previous steps
Just copy and share it with your family and friends to collect donations for your campaign.

Send your updated CV on HR@ahl-masr.org
And we will contact you when new suitable new vacancies open.

If you ask for an Urgent burn case (0 days – 14 days)

Kindly send the below on Ahl Masr Foundation Facebook page messages:

Case name
Case age
Burn date
Burn area (Attach photos if possible)
Case phone contact
Case’s guardian name, contact info – phone number and relative relation.